Tami J Jaffe

Tami J Jaffe

Career Transition and Business Success Coach

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Tami Jaffe is a success coach and consultant who has a passion for inspiring ambitious professionals who are dreaming to do something new or want to start a business.

1. BUSINESS START UP…Tami has made it her mission to liberate success-minded professionals from the shackles of a corporate career so they can start, grow, and scale their own business and not only replace their corporate income but exceed it. 

2. CORPORATE LEADERSHIP…Navigating the corporate environment can have its challenges. Whether you are looking to improve your leadership skills, make a career transition or go after that promotion, Tami helps you gain the clarity you are looking for to step into any situation with confidence.

3. SPEAKING…Tami is a well known speaker at many renowned locations across the globe.

4. REAL ESTATE CONSULTING…With over 15 years of leadership experience in real estate investment management, Tami offers consulting services to companies looking to implement best practices and develop efficiencies in their business. Her diverse background heading up both technology and finance areas for various size companies brings valuable knowledge and implementation exposure. She is also available for board of director positions or special committee representation.


Business Startup

Career Transition

